
Yamfinder: The Southern New Guinea Lexical Database

This is the comparative lexical database for the languages of Southern New Guinea.

This dataset and website are constantly under revision. If you notice any issues or would like to contribute additional data please contact us.

This website is run by Mae Carroll in the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Melbourne.

Funding for Yamfinder was provided by: ARC Discovery Grant: The languages of Southern new Guinea: an unexplored linguistic hotspot (DP110100307) and the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (CE140100041).


Contributors: I Wayan Arka, Mae Carroll, Christian Döhler, Nicholas Evans, Eri Kashima, Volker Gast, Tina Gregor, Kate L. Lindsey, Julia Miller, Emil Mittag, Bruno Olsson, Dineke Schokkin, Jeff Siegel, Charlotte van Tongeren, and Kyla Quinn.

Website developer: Wolfgang Barth.

Special thanks: Samuel Kirkpatrick & Petra Gulicher

How to cite

Carroll, Mae, Barth, Wolfgang, Nicholas Evans, I Wayan Arka, Christian Döhler, Eri Kashima, Volker Gast, Tina Gregor, Kate L. Lindsey, Julia Miller, Emil Mittag, Bruno Olsson, Dineke Schokkin, Jeff Siegel, Charlotte van Tongeren, Kyla Quinn. [DATE ACCESSED]. Yamfinder: Southern New Guinea Lexical Databse. Available online at: http://www.yamfinder.com


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